【讲座题目】Arsenic exposure, metabolism, and health effects
【时 间】2024年3月28日 上午:10:30-12:00
【地 点】保定校区 教九报告厅
【主讲人】X. Chris Le,加拿大皇家科学院院士,首席科学家,Alberta大学杰出教授
X. Chris Le教授自1995年以来,在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 (University of Alberta) 医学院任教,并在理学院化学系和公共健康学院环境健康专业兼职,于2006年创建分析与环境毒理交叉学科研究室、长期担任主任。 在生命分析化学、环境科学、分子毒理、公共卫生与健康等领域发表文章300余篇。Le教授曾获得加拿大自然科学与工程研究院颁发的青年科学家奖、第一批加拿大首席科学家、加拿大化学会颁发的分析化学成就奖和环境科学成就奖、Alberta大学颁发的优秀导师奖、杰出科研奖、以及大学最高荣誉奖杯等二十多项荣誉和奖励。2010年,Le教授当选为加拿大皇家科学院院士,2011年,当选为Alberta大学杰出教授。
Arsenic affects more than 200 million people around the world. Chronic exposure to inorganic arsenic increases the risk of many cancers (e.g., bladder, lung, and skin) and non-cancerous effects (e.g., diabetes and heart diseases). Environmental prevalence, biochemical complexity, toxicological effects, and regulatory priority continue to challenge arsenic researchers. We focus on developing analytical techniques to characterize arsenic species, assessing human exposure from water and food, studying arsenic metabolism, and investigating molecular mechanisms responsible for arsenic health effects. Mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography techniques have enabled the identification and quantification of trace arsenic species in the environmental and biological systems. Mechanistic studies on arsenic binding to proteins and inhibition of DNA repair have implicated co-carcinogenesis of arsenic. Studies of molecular interactions inside living cells have enabled imaging of biochemical processes. Our research on arsenic is enhanced by our development of analytical techniques and assays for DNA damage and DNA-protein interactions.